African Gypsy Project

African Gypsy grooves, swings and sparkles with spectacular rhythms

African Gypsy grooves, swings and sparkles with spectacular rhythms. Gypsy giants Stochelo Rosenberg and Paulus Schäfer, modern guitar virtuoso Jan Kuiper and groove master on bass guitar Digmon Roovers interact with spectacular creativity and fire.
African masters Mousse Pathe Mbaye from Senegal and Dramane Diarra from Mali, guarantee never failing, always compelling rhythms with their percussion. Dramane also is a great singer and plays the Kora, a beautiful African harp with a mesmerizing sound.

Gypsy swing combines perfectly with African rhythm. The music is a combination of Sinti jazz, pop, funk, and African Highlife, in which fast guitar playing and swinging rhythms are dominant. It is a harmonious cross-over that connects different worlds and cultures.

The musicians play with heart and soul, a seemingly effortless and fascinating interplay, in which the specialty of each musician has it’s own place: alternating and whipping rhythms, swirling solos by virtuoso guitarists, as well as African vocals. The different backgrounds and cultures make African Gypsy an inspiring melting pot.

Neem contact op

Digmon Roovers

Locatie Studio Groningen:
Borgmanschool, ingang Oliemulderstraat 51
9724 JD, Groningen

T : 06-55378258
E :

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